An Unusually Good Story

Building sustainable food systems in the Okanagan

Saving apples from going to food waste

Growing up in a small community, our founder noticed there was a lot of food going to waste yet many kids weren’t getting enough to eat. During her time at Enactus OC, she saw this challenge as an opportunity. In our research, we found that 1.2M children in Canada struggle to get enough to eat every day, while 36M tonnes of consumable food is wasted—releasing 57M tonnes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

In exploring a solution, we discovered that half a billion apples go to waste each year. This led us to start Fruit Snaps, an organization that worked with Okanagan-based farmers to use unwanted apples and turn them into healthy snacks. Partnering with Gleaners, we were able to create an innovative process for dehydrating apples and turning them into apple chips.

In response to rapidly growing demand, we developed an innovative production process that increased yield by 500%. In our first full year of operation, we were able to produce 35,000 servings of Fruit Snaps for local schools and international aid groups in Guatemala, Ukraine and North Korea.

When COVID-19 closed schools, and Fruit Snaps were no longer available in classrooms, we pivoted the business to supply food banks and start making apple juice. The apple juice was introduced to grocery stores and markets and the popularity exploded. This gave us a chance to make the business sustainable while paying farmers for their, usually, wasted product. 

Today, Fruit Snaps has evolved into Unusually Good. Now, we’re turning our eyes to global sources of food waste so that we can uncover opportunities to make the unusual usual.

 Our Mission

Food sustainability built in the Okanagan, taken globally


Eliminate Food Waste

Millions of perfectly imperfect apples go to waste because they are too small or misshapen to sell in stores. Instead of tossing perfectly good food like usual, we turn it into delicious products like apple chips or cider.

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Feed the Future

Profits from every case sold go directly towards feeding children who need our help. Our Unusually Good Apple Bites project rescues unwanted apples and turns them into healthy snacks for schools, food banks and those in need.

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Treat Farmers Right

Usually, farmers must discard perfectly imperfect apples, and that’s not right. We make sure those apples don’t go to waste and farmers can sell the entirety of their yield.

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Meet the Team

  • Mandi Kohout






  • Andrew Klingel


  • Brad Steinbart


  • Abby Lagerquist